We invite you to join us at Baja Fellowship each Sunday morning at 10a for a more intimate and interactive Bible teaching and worship time. Immediately afterwards, we enjoy a potluck together for some great fellowship and fun!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Our History

     Praise the Lord! As a home church, we've been meeting together for about 8 months! Yes, we're still a baby, but it's amazing what the Lord has done in our community. Without realizing His plan in advance, God moved us {Theo and Melissa} to Ensenada in part, for YOU! After a little while of searching for our purpose of being moved here, the Lord clearly brought the purpose right to our house! We are incredibly blessed and thankful for His kindness and faithfulness in leading our family here.
   As we served a couple of other ministries, we continued to pray for the Lord's leading into His true will for us. Soon after we moved to Playas de Chapultepec, we met with our long time friends, Sean and Trisha Cates on a Sunday morning for a time of fellowship. It was an awesome time and reminder of that intimate community that we know and love. During our meeting, we prayed and asked the Lord for His will to be done regarding our church meetings and specifically prayed for a worship leader{musician}. After church, we walked to the beach together and found a young family there. Nic and Michelle Brouwer and their 3 kids had moved to the area 1 week prior to serve another ministry and were just praying about their church involvement. We invited them to join us at our newborn home church and let them know we were without, but praying for a worship leader. To our excitiment, Nic told us he was actually a worship leader and he'd love to come along side us!

    Week by week our gatherings grew. New faces were showing up on a regular basis and now to our joy and surprise, the Lord has established Baja Fellowship!  We are just vessels willing and wanting to be used for His purposes and glory and are excited about what the Lord has begun here.

    We are familiar with and love the home church model of gathering together. We completely value the larger church setting, but personally have found wonderful fruit that is born from the more close-knit set up. Accountability, growth, discipleship and friendship is almost a guarantee in these settings, and the ability to truly become part of one another's lives happens easily.

    By the grace of God, we are now functioning as a small home church for about 40 people including kids, and growing! A few weeks ago we had our first 'kids church' meeting with ten, 10 and younger kids. We are honored to have  people from all around the Ensenada area who now call this their "Home Church."

   We ask for your prayers for this community and leadership team as we follow the Lord's lead. Pray for wisdom, grace and love as we pursue His Kingdom with all our hearts!