We invite you to join us at Baja Fellowship each Sunday morning at 10a for a more intimate and interactive Bible teaching and worship time. Immediately afterwards, we enjoy a potluck together for some great fellowship and fun!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hey Baja Friends!!

So, we've had an awesome year and i'm sorry I didn't let you know before that we have officially hit our 1 year Anniversary!!! Actually, we're a bit past it now, but that's not a surprise with the way the Lord made this happen. Baja Fellowship was birthed out of a place of love and surrender to the Lord, and He moved and made this thing exist. We were willing and He moved quickly. More than a year later, we have a beautiful group of people who meet together to learn, love Jesus and love others. We are honored and humbled to be part of a fellowship and community of believers who want to go hard after Jesus and serve Him with all their might. I love it! It's a pleasure to serve you all!