Believe it or not, Baja Fellowship has been "up and running" every Sunday for a year and a half now! That time frame blows my mind but even more, I'm amazed at all the God has done and is doing. We have the blessing of welcoming another family to our 'leadership' team! Henry and Aneliz Bruno are an amazing, Jesus loving, devoted to the Lord, zealous for the Word family who we became friends with 6 years ago while living in Kansas City, Missouri. We all met during an internship at the International House of Prayer. Now, they have 3 little girls {yes, just like us!} and are excited to serve Baja Fellowship through teaching, prayer and oversight.
We have a kindred heart and are blessed to have them in our community! Also, in a few weeks Theo, Henry and Steve {who serves as a music/worship leader for us, along with Nic Brouwer} will be heading off to Cartagena, Columbia! They have been asked to come and teach and encourage the believers at a seminar for others interested in house church...and of course teaching the Word.
So please pray for the guys' for safe travels and a fruitful and powerful time in Columbia.