We invite you to join us at Baja Fellowship each Sunday morning at 10a for a more intimate and interactive Bible teaching and worship time. Immediately afterwards, we enjoy a potluck together for some great fellowship and fun!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hey Baja Friends!!

So, we've had an awesome year and i'm sorry I didn't let you know before that we have officially hit our 1 year Anniversary!!! Actually, we're a bit past it now, but that's not a surprise with the way the Lord made this happen. Baja Fellowship was birthed out of a place of love and surrender to the Lord, and He moved and made this thing exist. We were willing and He moved quickly. More than a year later, we have a beautiful group of people who meet together to learn, love Jesus and love others. We are honored and humbled to be part of a fellowship and community of believers who want to go hard after Jesus and serve Him with all their might. I love it! It's a pleasure to serve you all!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

We love you!

Hey Friends,

For those of you who have attended Baja Fellowship in the year we've been together, you know how much we love this family that God has given us here. You are an incredible part of our lives and we cherish you! We pray that the Lord would minister to you and teach you His ways when listening to the spoken Word here. Our desire is that you would see Jesus more clearly each week when the Gospel is presented and that  you would be transformed more and more into His own image, reflecting His goodness and Love. Let's be strong witnesses of Christ Jesus no matter where or how we are serving Him.

Lots of Love & Blessings to you all...

Theo & Melissa

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Last Kemp Sunday

Hey Friends!

I wanted to let you all know, if you don't already, that THIS Sunday will be the last for the Kemp family for a few months! And the last Sunday for Jacob, altogether! The family will be going to England to help Jacob get settled and ready for worship school and traveling around visiting family.  We will pray for them and send them off back to England with our blessings!   We encourage you to pray and ask the Lord for any words of encouragement or edification, or scripture to share with them on Sunday before they head off!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Prayer Meeting Change

Hey Baja Fellowship!

Just wanting to remind you that we're changing our weekday prayer meeting to Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm.

Bring your heart, ready and open to commune with the Lord and receive His love!

What makes you alive?

I've been noticing alot of christians posting quotes from different people with a platform who say things like, "do what makes you alive" or "go for your dreams" etc... I'm sure you've come across some of those yourself...they're everywhere!  Well, I started thinking about those kinds of exhortations and I realized Jesus never instructed us to do that with our lives. He did say to use the talents He's given us, He said to deny ourselves, and He tells us to have joy. With that, I began to pray and ask the Lord, how do I do that?? Then I began finding so many places in the Word where He says to ask HIM for guidance and HIS leadership over our lives, and He will be faithful to do exactly that. He will tell us when it's time to use a particular gift He's given us... and how and where. And we will feel more than alive doing it His way because nothing compares to being in His will.  It interesting and dangerous to me, to see so many believers not denying themselves at all, doing whatever they feel like doing in life and calling it God's will, and they still don't even feel satisfied or 'alive'....maybe temporarily they do, but not for long.

Letting our lives truly be led by the Creator and Savior of our lives is a powerful and awesome and definitely not boring thing. Are we afraid that we'll miss out on something if we don't "figure out what makes you alive?" I know what makes US alive....it's Jesus Himself. He is/should be what we live for...and our talents should in every way be used to bring Him glory. Those gifts and talents inside of us are for His glory, and He will instruct and guide us on when and how to use them.....if ever. Maybe they are just there to be laid back down at His feet and surrendered to Him?

I write this with a humble position, knowing I'm far from perfect. But I do know God is faithful to finish the work He's begun in me {and you}, and this bit of understanding is just part of that. Let's pray and give every bit of energy, time, talent/gift, and action to God. He's so worthy of it all.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Cup of Water

 On May 31st, as we were getting set to start our prayer meeting, we noticed some people standing outside our gate. I went out to meet them, thinking it was new people who wanted to come pray with us. It was 3 sisters, age 17, 18 and 19. They came to ask for food. They were hungry. So , I brought them inside. It was amazing to see why my husband felt like making a bit of extra rice while making dinner and why a friend who came to prayer decided to bring tamales just b/c she had them leftover and thought someone there would like them. God saw those sisters...and their need... and had us prepared for them. It was an honor to serve them food and drink. And even more amazing to offer them the incredible joy, peace, love, and security that comes with giving your life to Jesus. I cried as I imagined my own 3 daughters roaming the streets, hungry, but the Word says in Psalms 37:25 "Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread."  Also, Matthew 25:45 says "And he will answer, 'I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.''  It's a sobering thought.

I also thought how interesting and perfectly planned out that these 3 sisters would show up to a home with 3 daughters. I don't believe in coincidence. It was crazy to introduce them to our 3 daughters and see such a vast difference, but similar in so many ways, too. I realized that God doesn't have favorites, but when we are willing and wanting Him, he says, "But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands." Exodus 20:6.

The Word also says "The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent." in 2 Peter 3:9  So, how amazing is that?? He is patiently waiting for all who would repent {which is just to genuinely say you're sorry for all the nasty junk/disobedience to Him} and start following His instructions and live a long and happy life! {How hard is it to see how wonderful and good that is?!}

So needless to say, after we prayed for them and shared who Jesus is and offered them His salvation, they left and the rest of our prayer meeting was with a heavy heart. We prayed for them more and for other things too. I went to bed with them on my mind and woke up to them on my mind. We told them they can come back to our house anytime they need help or would like to give their lives to Jesus. Please pray for them...their names are Adriana, Gabriella and Surje.

And if you are reading this and haven't given your life to the Creator of everything... know that it's the absolutely best thing you could ever do for yourself, your children and your children's children. What we do in life, passes along down through our line of descendants. Give yourself and your children, GOD!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Prayer Meeting

We wanted to remind you all that we're having a weekly prayer meeting held at our house, every Thursday evening at 6:30p. We'll serve coffee and tea. Blessings!

Baja Fellowship Kids- Scripture Verses

I realized that our kids are not keeping up with their scripture cards that are handed out each Sunday, so I've decided to post here the list so family can help out! Maybe it's the Lord's way for the parents to memorize scripture verses too! ha!

* Psalm 37:5 "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him and he will help you."

* Proverbs 3:1-2 "My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart. If you do this, you will live many years and your life will be satisfying."

*Galatians 5:22-23 "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Against such things there is no law."

* I John 5:3 "This is to love God: to obey his commands."

* Genesis 16:13 "You are the God who sees."

* Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."

*Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world."

*Colossians 3:20 "Children, obey your parents in all things."

*James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above."

Monday, April 23, 2012

Prayer Room Open

We wanted to remind you that the Lord has blessed us all with the opportunity to disconnect a bit from every day hustle and bustle of life, and spend some time in the prayer room. It is located at the YWAM Ensenada base, and is currently open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30a- 11a.

We encourage you all to take at least 1 day a week to go and be in His presence in pure worship and prayer. We personally spent almost 4 years in an environment with a 24/7 worship and prayer room going on, and we experienced amazing power and Life there.

Our hope is that the believers in our area, and of course in our own fellowship, would be filled up and strengthened by the Spirit of God, and we are absolutely positive that coming to a place specifically for worship and prayer of our Lord Jesus during our week is a powerful tool for that!

We also want to honor and thank Steve and Gemma Law and YWAM for their leadership of this blessing. Their willingness to set  aside time not only for themselves, but for US to come and be with the Lord is an incredible gift. Let's honor the Lord with our worship!

Also, we understand that morning are not always open for people to leave work or ministry, so we are also holding a week night prayer meeting at our house. Each Thursday at 6:30p, we are open for anyone who would like to come and pray with us.

Love and Blessings,
Theo and Melissa

Hey Parents of Baja Fellowship Kids~

   We wanted to let you know how much of a blessing your children are to us. Truly! We are excited that God has brought them here and has awesome plans for their lives. It's humbling to us to realize that we get to be part of that plan for this season, and we intend to steward them to the best of our ability!

    I wanted to inform you all {in case you didn't already know} that our biggest goal with the kids, is for them to learn the Word of God. We will watch christian movies, and have plenty of play/activity time, but our priority for these little ones, is to leave this place with the actual Word of God on their minds. Each Sunday, your kids will leave with an index card with a scripture verse on it. The goal is for them to learn and memorize it, and at the end of each month, whoever has memorized all 4 or 5 verses will receive a goody bag! I think a bit of incentive for a great cause does wonders. {If any parent does not want their child to receive a goody bag, please let me know!}

Pray for us too as we learn to serve your kids with the heart of Christ!

Love & Blessings,

Baja Fellowship
Hey Friends~

This past Sunday was such a blessing to us. We loved sharing with you then receiving your feedback on the teaching! We love and totally encourage that! Let's do as the Word instructed us- let's get in eachother's lives! Let's get real and open up our hearts before the Lord and one another. We are so thankful the Lord has brought you all into our lives and to this fellowship. Each and every one of you is here on purpose, as willed by the Lord, and we are honored to run the race with you during this season! We encourage you this week to ask the Lord to search your heart and bless you with more of His light and Life!
Love & Blessings,
Theo and Melissa

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Resurrection Sunday Plan

This coming Sunday we have the honor of celebrating our Savior's resurrection. We will gather together again as usual, but this time we'll have a nicer sit down meal together for our potluck. Please contact us if you'd like to join us and possibly bring something to share.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Our History

     Praise the Lord! As a home church, we've been meeting together for about 8 months! Yes, we're still a baby, but it's amazing what the Lord has done in our community. Without realizing His plan in advance, God moved us {Theo and Melissa} to Ensenada in part, for YOU! After a little while of searching for our purpose of being moved here, the Lord clearly brought the purpose right to our house! We are incredibly blessed and thankful for His kindness and faithfulness in leading our family here.
   As we served a couple of other ministries, we continued to pray for the Lord's leading into His true will for us. Soon after we moved to Playas de Chapultepec, we met with our long time friends, Sean and Trisha Cates on a Sunday morning for a time of fellowship. It was an awesome time and reminder of that intimate community that we know and love. During our meeting, we prayed and asked the Lord for His will to be done regarding our church meetings and specifically prayed for a worship leader{musician}. After church, we walked to the beach together and found a young family there. Nic and Michelle Brouwer and their 3 kids had moved to the area 1 week prior to serve another ministry and were just praying about their church involvement. We invited them to join us at our newborn home church and let them know we were without, but praying for a worship leader. To our excitiment, Nic told us he was actually a worship leader and he'd love to come along side us!

    Week by week our gatherings grew. New faces were showing up on a regular basis and now to our joy and surprise, the Lord has established Baja Fellowship!  We are just vessels willing and wanting to be used for His purposes and glory and are excited about what the Lord has begun here.

    We are familiar with and love the home church model of gathering together. We completely value the larger church setting, but personally have found wonderful fruit that is born from the more close-knit set up. Accountability, growth, discipleship and friendship is almost a guarantee in these settings, and the ability to truly become part of one another's lives happens easily.

    By the grace of God, we are now functioning as a small home church for about 40 people including kids, and growing! A few weeks ago we had our first 'kids church' meeting with ten, 10 and younger kids. We are honored to have  people from all around the Ensenada area who now call this their "Home Church."

   We ask for your prayers for this community and leadership team as we follow the Lord's lead. Pray for wisdom, grace and love as we pursue His Kingdom with all our hearts!