We invite you to join us at Baja Fellowship each Sunday morning at 10a for a more intimate and interactive Bible teaching and worship time. Immediately afterwards, we enjoy a potluck together for some great fellowship and fun!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What makes you alive?

I've been noticing alot of christians posting quotes from different people with a platform who say things like, "do what makes you alive" or "go for your dreams" etc... I'm sure you've come across some of those yourself...they're everywhere!  Well, I started thinking about those kinds of exhortations and I realized Jesus never instructed us to do that with our lives. He did say to use the talents He's given us, He said to deny ourselves, and He tells us to have joy. With that, I began to pray and ask the Lord, how do I do that?? Then I began finding so many places in the Word where He says to ask HIM for guidance and HIS leadership over our lives, and He will be faithful to do exactly that. He will tell us when it's time to use a particular gift He's given us... and how and where. And we will feel more than alive doing it His way because nothing compares to being in His will.  It interesting and dangerous to me, to see so many believers not denying themselves at all, doing whatever they feel like doing in life and calling it God's will, and they still don't even feel satisfied or 'alive'....maybe temporarily they do, but not for long.

Letting our lives truly be led by the Creator and Savior of our lives is a powerful and awesome and definitely not boring thing. Are we afraid that we'll miss out on something if we don't "figure out what makes you alive?" I know what makes US alive....it's Jesus Himself. He is/should be what we live for...and our talents should in every way be used to bring Him glory. Those gifts and talents inside of us are for His glory, and He will instruct and guide us on when and how to use them.....if ever. Maybe they are just there to be laid back down at His feet and surrendered to Him?

I write this with a humble position, knowing I'm far from perfect. But I do know God is faithful to finish the work He's begun in me {and you}, and this bit of understanding is just part of that. Let's pray and give every bit of energy, time, talent/gift, and action to God. He's so worthy of it all.

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